

You've heard mindfulness can help you relieve stress and even keep you from dropping into low moods, but have no idea how or where to start?

I've got you covered with the Everyday Mindfulness, a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for depression program.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • you find yourself stuck in your head most of the time

  • sometimes it just feels like you're going through the motions of life

  • you feel like you're stuck in the past or always worrying about the future

  • the what-ifs take over sometimes

  • you're stressed out ALL THE TIME and don't know how to relax

  • sometimes it just seems like there are too many obstacles in the way



A structured and experiential 8-week Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy program for depression designed to get you out of your head and back in life!


Step-by-step, week-by-week you'll learn and practice various mindfulness techniques daily to create a sense of peace and calm and to build more self-awareness.

Before you know it, you will:

  • no longer be living on autopilot,
  • be more present in everyday conversations and experiences,
  • have become an observer of your thoughts and begin to see them differently,
  • have developed a stronger sense of self-awareness,
  • and, begun living a more peaceful and less stressful life. 

Stress relief is at your fingertips. You'll learn multiple ways you can calm your nervous system down in minutes! YES MINUTES!


You might feel like you don't know where to start. You may be thinking how do I learn mindfulness or even I know some mindfulness practices, but I don't know how to practice mindfulness everyday. How can I make it routine?

Over the course of 8 weeks, I'll be your guide. You'll learn what mindfulness is, you'll learn and experience a variety of mindfulness practices, and you'll leave the program with a personalized mindfulness routine to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday. With my guidance over 21 days you'll learn yoga, meditation, and other stress relieving techniques so that you can end the cycle of overwhelm and feel at ease in your mind.


Each week of the program you'll practice the mindfulness techniques you've learned on your own. By the end of the program, you'll know what your favorite mindfulness tools are. We'll work together to set up a regular routine for your to incorporate your mindfulness practices daily That way when when life starts to get a little stormy you'll have a solid foundation in place to help you keep up with your mindfulness practices. 

Leave this program with a solid mindfulness practice in place so that you can feel peaceful within minutes.

Join the waiting list to be notified when enrollment for

Everyday Mindfulness opens!

About Your Guide

Most days I start and end my day with mindfulness and/or meditation practices. They have been the most life changing for me. (As a mom of three and because I am human, I occasionally miss a practice and we all notice.:))

Having these daily practices completely shifts the tone of my day and how I show up in the world. They also help guide me right to sleep. 

 If you've been thinking about learning or deepening your mindfulness or meditation practices, I hope you'll join me in Everyday MIndfulness.

With love,


Join the waiting list to be notified when enrollment for

Everyday Mindfulness opens!

Becky Brose, Ph.D.
